The ocelot is a small wild cat found in Central and South America, as well as some parts of Texas in the United States. It has a distinctive coat of fur with black spots and stripes on a tawny or reddish-brown background. The ocelot is a skilled hunter, able to climb trees and swim well, and it preys on a variety of animals such as rodents, birds, and reptiles. Due to habitat loss and hunting for its fur, the ocelot is listed as a vulnerable species by the IUCN. Conservation efforts are in place to protect its remaining populations.
Animals that start with O

Photo: LucasFZ70

Photo: mbc-2016
The okapi is a rare and elusive mammal that is native to the dense rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa. Its most distinctive features are its long neck, striped legs, and reddish-brown coat. The okapi is a relative of the giraffe and has a similar long tongue that it uses to reach leaves and buds on trees. Despite its unique appearance, the okapi was not known to science until the early 20th century. Today, the species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Conservation efforts are being made to protect remaining populations in protected areas and zoos around the world.

Photo: Scottslm
The opossum, also known as the possum, is a marsupial native to the Americas. They have a distinctive appearance with a pointed snout, grayish fur, and a long, hairless prehensile tail that they use for climbing and grasping. Opossums are nocturnal and omnivorous, feeding on insects, fruits, and small animals. They have a unique adaptation called "playing possum" where they feign death by collapsing, releasing a foul odor, and becoming rigid, as a defense mechanism against predators. They are solitary animals, except during mating season and when raising young. Opossums have a short gestation period and give birth to underdeveloped young that continue to develop in their mother's pouch.

Photo: ShekuSheriff
The orangutan is a large arboreal ape native to Indonesia and Malaysia. They are one of the closest relatives to humans, sharing over 97% of the same DNA. Orangutans have reddish-brown hair, long arms, and a bulky body. They are highly intelligent and have been observed using tools in the wild. Sadly, these magnificent creatures are critically endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and the illegal pet trade. The destruction of their forest habitat for palm oil plantations is the greatest threat to their survival. Conservation efforts are underway to protect their remaining habitats and prevent their extinction.

Photo: MrsBrown
The orca, also known as the killer whale, is a highly intelligent and social marine mammal that is found in all of the world's oceans. Orcas have a distinct black and white coloration, with a white belly and black back, and can grow up to 30 feet in length and weigh up to 12,000 pounds.
Orcas are apex predators and feed on a variety of prey including fish, seals, and even other marine mammals. They are known for their sophisticated hunting techniques and complex social behaviors, often traveling in pods of up to 40 individuals.
Unfortunately, orcas are facing a number of threats including pollution, habitat degradation, and hunting. Some populations are also at risk from capture for marine parks and aquariums. Conservation efforts are focused on protecting their habitats, reducing pollution, and ending hunting and captivity.

Photo: onefox
The oryx (Oryx gazella) is a medium-sized antelope that inhabits arid and semi-arid regions of Africa, from Mauritania to Sudan and Ethiopia. The oryx is easily recognizable by its black and white fur and long, straight horns. These animals have adapted to living in extremely dry conditions, which allows them to survive without water for long periods of time. Furthermore, their diet consists mainly of leaves and branches, which allows them to survive in areas where vegetation is sparse.
The oryx has been hunted for its meat and horns, leading to declines in its populations in some areas. However, in other places conservation and captive breeding programs have been established that have helped increase the population of these antelopes. The oryx is a symbolic animal in many African cultures and has been depicted in art and literature for centuries.

The ostrich is the largest living bird, native to Africa, and known for its distinctive appearance, with long legs and a long neck. They are flightless birds, but they are fast runners, capable of reaching speeds of up to 43 miles per hour.
Ostriches have two toes on each foot, with one toe having a long, sharp claw that they use for self-defense. They have a small head and a large body covered in soft, downy feathers, and they have long eyelashes to protect their eyes from the desert sand.
Ostriches are primarily herbivores, feeding on plants, seeds, and occasionally insects and small animals. They are also farmed for their meat, eggs, and feathers. Ostriches are social animals, living in groups or pairs, and they use a range of vocalizations to communicate with each other.

Photo: Pexels
The otter is a semi-aquatic mammal found in rivers, lakes, and coastal areas around the world. They are known for their playful behavior, and are often seen swimming and playing in the water. Otters have a sleek, streamlined body and webbed feet that make them excellent swimmers. They also have a thick, waterproof fur that keeps them warm in cold water. Otters are carnivorous, and their diet consists mainly of fish and shellfish. They are important predators in aquatic ecosystems, and help to maintain the health of fish populations. However, many otter species are threatened by habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing.

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey found all over the world. There are many different species of owls, and each one has unique characteristics that make them fascinating and attractive to bird watchers and people in general.
The owl has a sturdy body and a large, round head. Their large, round eyes are adapted for night vision and their hearing is very acute, allowing them to detect prey in the darkness. Their soft, silent feathers allow them to fly without making noise, giving them an advantage when stalking their prey.
Owls are excellent predators and feed on a variety of prey, such as mice, rats, rabbits, fish, and other small animals. They often hunt at night and use their sharp talons to capture and kill their prey.
In many cultures, the owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Owls have been represented in literature and art for centuries and are a popular subject for tattoos and fashion designs.