Peacocks, known for their colorful and bright plumage, are ground-dwelling birds that have evolved to have limited flying abilities. Although not flying birds in the traditional sense, peacocks are capable of flying short distances, usually to escape predators or to reach elevated areas.

Compared to the wings of other birds that fly more easily, the wings of peacocks are shorter and more rounded. This is because, over the course of evolution, the development of a larger and more showy plumage was more important than flight for the survival and reproduction of the species.

Despite their limited flying ability, peacocks have developed a range of other skills to survive in their natural environment. They are fast runners, capable of reaching speeds of up to 16 km/h. They also have excellent vision and hearing, which helps them detect potential predators.

In summary, peacocks can fly, but their wings are shorter and less efficient compared to those of other birds that fly more easily. However, their distinctive plumage and unique set of skills make them one of the most fascinating and beautiful birds in the animal kingdom.