Giraffes are an African species of mammal known for having the longest neck of all animals. They also have very long legs and a tail that can measure up to 2 meters long.

Although giraffes are primarily known for their height and long neck, they also have another unique feature: a very long and flexible tongue that can measure up to 50 centimeters.

This extremely long tongue is very useful for them to pluck leaves and twigs from acacias, which is one of their main sources of food. Giraffes are herbivores and primarily feed on leaves and branches from trees and bushes.

So this long and powerful tongue helps giraffes reach and grasp food, especially in tall trees and bushes.

In addition, it is covered in rough papillae, which helps them grasp food more efficiently.

Rough papillae are small protuberances found on the surface of a giraffe's tongue that give it a rough appearance. These papillae also help protect the giraffe's tongue from thorns and other sharp parts of plants that could harm it while they feed.

In addition to its size, a giraffe's tongue is very distinctive due to its dark bluish color. This color is due to the rough papillae covering the surface of the tongue and melanin produced from being exposed to the sun.

In addition to its main function as a feeding tool, a giraffe's tongue is also useful for cleaning its body and face.

Giraffes use their tongue to remove insects and other debris from their skin and coat.

Are you surprised by everything a giraffe's tongue can do?

This is a unique and very important feature for this mammal, and it is one of the reasons why giraffes are so special.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about them!