The tallest giraffe ever recorded was a male named "George" who lived at the London Zoo in the early 20th century. George stood at about 5.79 meters tall and weighed around 1,500 pounds. He was considered the tallest giraffe ever recorded and became a very popular attraction at the zoo.

George was captured in the Congo and brought to London in 1835, where he became a very popular attraction at the zoo. George died in 1845 and his skeleton is now housed at the Natural History Museum in London.

Although George was an impressive giraffe, it's important to note that giraffes don't usually grow to this height in the wild. Adult male giraffes can typically measure up to 5 meters in height and females a little less, at around 4.5 meters. Here you can read about the usual height of giraffes. However, it's rare to find a giraffe as tall as George.

In summary, George was a very special and unique giraffe, and is remembered as the tallest giraffe ever recorded.